So began Southall's pursuit of the paranormal in the form of ghosts, haunted houses and poltergeist activity. And he's distilled his years of research and experience as a ghost investigator in a new book, How To Be a Ghost Hunter (Llewellyn Publications; 2003), which can serve as a good handbook for those who are interested in investigating haunting phenomena in their own communities.
The book consists of six parts:
- Why a Ghost-Hunting Guide
- Ghosts, Spirits and Poltergeists Defined
- Researching a Suspected Haunted Area
- Paranormal Photography
- Electronic Voice Phenomena
- Your Ghost-Hunting Kit
- Forming a Paranormal Group
In this lengthy introduction to the book, Southall explains how he became a ghost hunter and recounts some of his early investigations. These included various sites of paranormal activity in the West Virginia area, such as Point Pleasant, where the now-famous Mothman phenomena took place in the late 1960s. He honed his investigative skills and witness interviewing techniques hunting down hauntings in Parkersburg, Moundsville Penitentiary and more. With Susan Sheppard, Southall also founded the Haunted Parkersburg walking ghost tour.
Ghosts, Spirits and Poltergeists Defined
To clarify what's out there to be investigated, Southall begins the handbook in earnest by defining the terms, since ghosts, spirits and poltergeists are not interchangeable and represent quite different phenomena.
Ghosts and apparitions are a kind a recording on the environment - a residual energy that can come from a person, animal or even an inanimate object. We can experience these lingering energies by sight, sound, smell and touch.
Spirits are what people most often think of as "ghosts." A spirit is the "actual sentient presence, or soul, of an individual or individuals who have remained in the material world after his or her physical body has died." Southall continues by describing different types of spirits and the reasons they may have stayed behind.
Poltergeist activity, contrary to the Hollywood view, probably is not caused by ghosts or spirits at all, but by the mental energies of living humans. Research has shown that such activity usually centers around one person in a home who is experiencing great physical or emotional stress and is released as mysterious knockings, disappearing objects and even the physical movement of objects. This is the theory held by most researchers today, so it's a bit confusing when Southall writes that the intelligent nature of poltergeist activity "would add credence to the idea that poltergeists are actually a form of spirit."
Entities are what are commonly thought of as angels or demons and, although quite uncommon, can usually be distinguished by a strong sense of good or evil.
Researching a Suspected Haunted Area
In this chapter, Southall details a four-phase approach to an investigation:
- Interview eyewitnesses, paying close attention to body language.
- Get independent information, including researching the area's history.
- Investigating the haunted area, which in turn includes seven specific steps, from determining the right time to investigate to following up on all leads.
- Concluding the investigation - deciding whether a ghost, spirit or poltergeist is involved.
You have no doubt seen many examples of "ghost photos" (check out our own Gallery) in books and on the web. After presenting a brief history of paranormal photography, Southall examines the various common types, including orbs, vortices and vapors - and how to tell an authentic from a fake or hoaxed photo.
Electronic Voice Phenomena
The intriguing world of electronic voice phenomena, or EVP, is next discussed. Southall was at first skeptical about this phenomena, but changed his mind when investigating a farmhouse that was said to be haunted by the spirit of a little girl. Clearly heard on his tape recorder was the voice of a small girl calling for her "mama."
He then explains how you too can experiment with EVP, and how it might aid in an investigation.
Your Ghost-Hunting Kit
A ghost hunter needs some equipment. And it needn't be exotic or expensive. Basically, a ghost hunter's toolkit consists of a decent camera (film or digital), a tape recorder, a microwave radiation or electromagnetic detector, pad of paper and pen, compass, a watch or stopwatch, flour, thread and, optionally, a laptop computer. Thoughtfully, Southall provides price ranges for each of these items so you can budget and plan for your kit.
Forming a Paranormal Group
If there's not already a paranormal investigative organization in your area to join, Southall suggests starting one. Different people will bring varying skills and differing points of view to an investigation, and such a group can be well worth establishing. He warns, however, that if you are the one running the group, it can become a time-consuming undertaking.
Thankfully, Southall takes a level-headed, practical approach throughout the book, advising readers to "be cautious, not gullible" when conducting paranormal investigations. "Don't jump to conclusions," he warns. "Investigate. In other words, keep your head!"
Readers will truly appreciate the book's appendices, where Southall provides actual forms and questionnaires that you can copy and use in your own investigations. These include:
- Permission to investigate form
- Questionnaire for paranormal encounters - interview questions
- Research questions
- Ghost hunter's checklist
- Documentation of paranormal events
One question that the book does not address is one that I see occasionally in my own e-mail from people who are interested in becoming ghost hunters: Can I do this for a living? The answer is: probably not. Virtually all ghost hunters do their investigations as a sideline to their regular job - and on a voluntary, nonpaying basis; they do not charge people to "ghostbust" their homes. Experienced ghost hunters can, however, earn some money through lectures, community courses and, like Southall, good books
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