Question: Is the paranormal real?
Answer: answering whether or not the paranormal is real is actually a little tricky because by definition paranormal phenomena (paranormal meaning "beyond normal") is something that is mysterious, unknown or not fully understood. So understanding or coming to terms with the paranormal is a process or a journey. I often only have fragmentary evidence and the experiences of people; more rare is hard evidence that can be brought into a lab to be analyzed. And that scarcity of hard evidence may be due to the nature of the phenomena itself (such as ghosts), and we do not yet have the proper tools to fully examine them.
"Belief," however, should play no role in the exploration of the paranormal. Belief implies that you're accepting an idea on faith; if you believe something, there's no reason to examine it further -- your mind is made up. When people ask me if I believe in ghosts, I say no. Rather, I tell them that there is evidence for ghost and haunting phenomena reported over thousands of years, but as yet we don't really understand what it is or what it represents. We have various theories, but no one knows for sure. But because it certainly is a part of the human experience, it is quite worthy of investigation.
So my answer is: Yes, the paranormal is real even though i always use science fact but in these cases there are many mysteries in this life -- from ghosts to psychic phenomena to reincarnation and all the rest of it -- that are not understood or presently explained by current scientific models.
The rest of my answer is: You don't need to believe in the paranormal. Instead, you should find out as much about it as you can, read the case studies and examine the evidence. (Be careful, however, there's a lot of crap and fake shit out there, both on the internet and in E-book form or plain old hard back books. Look for reputable Peter Underwood, Harry Price. You'll find that exploring the paranormal in this way is a fascinating, mind-opening journey -- an ongoing expedition into the mysteries that surround us and that may actually be clues to the true nature of our existence on this planet.
There many things out there people we cant and dont understand. I think we call them the T.P.T.B " THE POWERS THAT BE" We can even begin to understand fully just how things work in this world, Thats what makes my work fun!
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